War in Ukraine: Switzerland grants protection to people fleeing the war

War in Ukraine: Switzerland grants protection to people fleeing the war

Since the outbreak of the war, people from Ukraine have sought protection from the conflict in Western Europe. Switzerland has shown its solidarity by activating the Protection Status S for the first time. This allows people from Ukraine to be granted protection quickly and without any complex procedures. They obtain residence rights without having to go through the standard asylum process.


Since the outbreak of the war on 24 February, more than four million people have fled Ukraine. On 11 March, the Federal Council decided that people from Ukraine seeking protection will be granted Protection Status S. This temporary status, activated for the first time, gives people fleeing Ukraine a right of residence without having to go through the standard asylum process.

Protection Status S is valid until it is lifted by the Federal Council. A condition for its lifting is lasting stability in Ukraine, so that the population is no longer exposed to a serious general danger. Recent developments show that this is not the case at present. The Federal Council therefore decided on 4 September 2024 not to lift Protection Status S until 4 March 2026 unless the situation changes fundamentally before then. The decision provides clarity not only for the Ukrainian refugees, but also for the cantons, the communes and employers.

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Last modification 06.09.2024

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