Legal requirements and purpose
The Federal Act on Compulsory Social Measures and Placements prior to 1981 (CSMPA) provides the legal basis for payments to be made to victims. In particular, it provides for what is known as a "solidarity contribution". This is intended as recognition of the injustice suffered by the victims, as well as being an expression of social solidarity.
The following persons are entitled to a solidarity contribution:
- those who were affected by compulsory social measures or placement in Switzerland prior to 1981 and
- whose physical, psychological or sexual integrity or mental development was directly and seriously impaired as a result of such measures. This includes, in particular, child labourers (known as "contract children"), children placed in homes or with foster families, or children subjected to administrative detention who experienced physical or psychological violence, sexual abuse or economic exploitation. Persons who were forced to give up their children/release their children for adoption or were forced to undergo sterilisation/castration or who were subjected to medical experimentation or administered medication against their will or without their knowledge are also considered to be directly and seriously impaired.
Applications for a solidarity contribution originally had to be submitted by the end of March 2018 at the latest. As many people, for a variety of reasons, were unable to submit their application in time, Parliament amended the CSMPA as of 1 November 2020 and abolished the deadline for submitting applications. This means that those affected can now submit an application at any time during their lifetime.
- Flyer Solidaritätsbeitrag (PDF, 307 kB, 23.05.2022)
- Flyer contribution de solidarité (PDF, 160 kB, 22.06.2022)
Volantino sul contributo di solidarietà (PDF, 154 kB, 09.08.2022)
(This document is not available in English)
What is the procedure for submitting an application?
The application form and guidelines with explanatory notes are available below. Further useful information can be found in the leaflets also included below. Please note that none of this documentation is available in English.
(These documents are not available in English)
- Gesuchsformular Solidaritätsbeitrag (PDF, 201 kB, 17.09.2020)
- Formulaire pour une demande de contribution de solidarité (PDF, 204 kB, 17.09.2020)
- Modulo di domanda per il contributo di solidarietà (PDF, 309 kB, 17.09.2020)
- Wegleitung zum Gesuchsformular Solidaritätsbeitrag (PDF, 477 kB, 04.10.2022)
- Guide explicatif : Formulaire pour une demande de contribution de solidarité (PDF, 479 kB, 04.10.2022)
- Guida esplicativa al modulo di domanda per il contributo di solidarietà (PDF, 481 kB, 04.10.2022)
- Merkblatt für Opfer (PDF, 567 kB, 09.08.2022)
- Notice à l'intention des victimes (PDF, 551 kB, 09.08.2022)
- Promemoria per le vittime (PDF, 552 kB, 09.08.2022)
- Merkblatt für Behörden (PDF, 199 kB, 20.03.2023)
- Notice à l'intention des autorités (PDF, 218 kB, 20.03.2023)
- Promemoria per le autorità (PDF, 191 kB, 20.03.2023)
- Merkblatt für im Ausland lebende Personen (PDF, 513 kB, 09.08.2022)
- Notice à l'intention des victimes ayant leur domicile à l'étranger (PDF, 99 kB, 09.08.2022)
- Promemoria per le vittime domiciliate all'estero (PDF, 86 kB, 09.08.2022)
- Informationsschreiben des Bundesamtes für Sozialversicherungen: Nichtberücksichtigung des Solidaritätsbeitrags bei der Berechnung von Ergänzungsleistungen (PDF, 110 kB, 29.06.2020)
- Lettre d’information de l’Office fédéral des assurances sociales : Prise en compte de la contribution de solidarité dans la fortune des bénéficiaires de prestations complémentaires (PDF, 111 kB, 29.06.2020)
- Lettera d’informazione dell’ Ufficio federale delle assicurazioni sociali. Contributo di solidarietà. Calcolo delle prestazioni complementari (PDF, 106 kB, 29.06.2020)
If you need assistance with submitting an application or searching for files, contact a cantonal contact point for victims or a state archive:
Cantonal contact points and archives
These support services are available free of charge and can also be used by people living abroad.
The application for a solidarity contribution must be submitted to the Federal Office of Justice (see "Contact" column).
Electronic mailbox (only for cantonal contact points – for the delivery of documents from the archives):
CUG: Kantonale Anlaufstellen
(This document is not available in English)
How does the application procedure work?
Applications are examined by the CSMP Unit at the Federal Office of Justice. If the information and details contained in the application are not deemed sufficient to be able make a decision on whether the applicant can be recognised as a victim, the necessary additional clarifications are initiated (e.g. enquiries with the applicant or in archives).
The CSMP Unit also consults the Advisory Committee before deciding on an application. The committee makes recommendations, in particular, on procedural issues, on questions of principle and on particularly delicate (borderline) applications. The advisory commission has been performing its tasks since 1 January 2021 in the form of an extra-parliamentary committee; it was initially set up as a group of experts with a temporary mandate.
Ausserparlamentarische Kommission (APK)
(This document is not available in English)
The Advisory Committee consists of eight members, some of whom were themselves affected by compulsory social measures and placements. It usually meets four times a year (2024 meeting dates: 28 February, 29 May and 20 November). The minutes of each meeting are published:
(These documents are not available in English)
- 1. Sitzung / 7. März 2017 (PDF, 203 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 1ère séance / 7 mars 2017 (PDF, 131 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 2. Sitzung / 21. Juni 2017 (PDF, 154 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 2ème séance / 21 juin 2017 (PDF, 200 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 3. Sitzung / 22. August 2017 (PDF, 139 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 3e séance / 22 août 2017 (PDF, 143 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 4. Sitzung / 17. Oktober 2017 (PDF, 126 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 4e séance / 17 octobre 2017 (PDF, 183 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 5. Sitzung / 7. Dezember 2017 (PDF, 119 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 5e séance / 7 décembre 2017 (PDF, 176 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 6. Sitzung / 6. März 2018 (PDF, 114 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 6e séance / 8 mars 2018 (PDF, 117 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 7. Sitzung / 23. Mai 2018 (PDF, 101 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 7e séance / 23 mai 2018 (PDF, 105 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 8. Sitzung / 28. August 2018 (PDF, 272 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 8e séance / 28 août 2018 (PDF, 340 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 9. Sitzung / 20. November 2018 (PDF, 253 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 9e séance / 20 novembre 2018 (PDF, 247 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 10. Sitzung / 26. Februar 2019 (PDF, 333 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 10e séance / 26 février 2019 (PDF, 87 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 11. Sitzung / 30. April 2019 (PDF, 262 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 11e séance / 30 avril 2019 (PDF, 252 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 12. Sitzung / 25. Juni 2019 (PDF, 256 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 12e séance / 25 juin 2019 (PDF, 257 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 13. Sitzung / 27. August 2019 (PDF, 253 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 13e séance / 27 août 2019 (PDF, 310 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 14. Sitzung / 22. Oktober 2019 (PDF, 331 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 14e séance / 22 octobre 2019 (PDF, 334 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 15. Sitzung / 26. November 2019 (PDF, 263 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 15e séance / 26 novembre 2019 (PDF, 245 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 16. Sitzung / 18. Dezember 2019 (PDF, 264 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 16e séance / 18 décembre 2019 (PDF, 381 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 17. Sitzung / 11. Februar 2020 (PDF, 246 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 17e séance / 11 février 2020 (PDF, 263 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 18. Sitzung / 18. April 2020 (PDF, 248 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 18e séance / 18 avril 2020 (PDF, 239 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 19. Sitzung / 16. Juni 2020 (PDF, 351 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 19e séance / 16 juin 2020 (PDF, 433 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 20. Sitzung / 8. September 2020 (PDF, 235 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 20e séance / 8 septembre 2020 (PDF, 240 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 21. Sitzung / 17. November 2020 (PDF, 280 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 21e séance / 17 novembre 2020 (PDF, 322 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 22. Sitzung / 2. März 2021 (PDF, 244 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 22e séance / 2 mars 2021 (PDF, 413 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 23. Sitzung / 11. Mai 2021 (PDF, 237 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 23e séance / 11 mai 2021 (PDF, 624 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 24. Sitzung / 24. August 2021 (PDF, 313 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 24e séance / 24 août 2021 (PDF, 319 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 25. Sitzung / 23. November 2021 (PDF, 142 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 25e séance / 23 novembre 2021 (PDF, 125 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 26. Sitzung / 3. März 2022 (PDF, 148 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 26e séance / 3 mars 2022 (PDF, 138 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 27. Sitzung / 17. Mai 2022 (PDF, 311 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 27e séance / 17 mai 2022 (PDF, 309 kB, 09.08.2022)
- 28. Sitzung / 23. August 2022 (PDF, 154 kB, 24.11.2022)
- 28e séance / 23 août 2022 (PDF, 130 kB, 24.11.2022)
- 29. Sitzung / 22. November 2022 (PDF, 184 kB, 16.01.2023)
- 29e séance / 22 novembre 2022 (PDF, 179 kB, 08.02.2023)
- 30. Sitzung / 28. Februar 2023 (PDF, 150 kB, 11.12.2024)
- 30e séance / 28 février 2023 (PDF, 150 kB, 04.04.2023)
- 31. Sitzung / 23. Mai 2023 (PDF, 142 kB, 11.12.2024)
- 31e réunion / 23 mai 2023 (PDF, 180 kB, 19.07.2023)
- 32. Sitzung / 13. September 2023 (PDF, 148 kB, 11.12.2024)
- 32e réunion / 13 septembre 2023 (PDF, 150 kB, 22.11.2023)
- 33. Sitzung / 21. November 2023 (PDF, 158 kB, 20.12.2023)
- 33e réunion / 21 novembre 2023 (PDF, 170 kB, 20.12.2023)
- 34. Sitzung / 28. Februar 2024 (PDF, 173 kB, 27.03.2024)
- 34e réunion / 28 février 2024 (PDF, 182 kB, 16.04.2024)
- 35. Sitzung / 29. Mai 2024 (PDF, 135 kB, 26.06.2024)
- 35e réunion / 29 mai 2024 (PDF, 99 kB, 04.07.2024)
- 36. Sitzung / 20. November 2024 (PDF, 98 kB, 24.12.2024)
- 36e réunion / 20 novembre 2024 (PDF, 96 kB, 24.12.2024)
Applications are processed according to priority. Applications from seriously ill persons (which must be proven by means of a medical certificate) or from those who are over 75 years of age are given priority. All other applications are processed in the order in which they are received.
The decision on the application by the CSMP Unit is issued in the form of a ruling. If the application is approved by the CSMP Unit, meaning the applicant is recognised as a victim, the solidarity contribution is usually paid out within two to three weeks.
If the application is rejected by the CSMP Unit, an appeal against the decision can be initially filed with the Federal Office of Justice. The application will then be reviewed again. An appeal against a (renewed) negative decision on an objection by the Federal Office of Justice can then be filed with the Federal Administrative Court in St Gallen.
Asserting related financial claims and benefits
Any person who has been recognised as a victim within the meaning of the CSMPA and has received a solidarity contribution in connection with compulsory social measures and placements prior to 1981 cannot assert, in principle, any further claims for compensation or satisfaction against successor authorities of the communal authorities involved at the time. Such claims are also regularly subject to a time limit.
However, any benefits that individual eligible victims received in 2014/2015 from the Swiss Solidarity emergency aid fund – or similar financial benefits from the Canton of Vaud – or between 1988 and 1992 as part of the reparations for "The vagabond children" campaign, are not counted towards the solidarity contribution.
Soforthilfefonds der Glückskette
(This document is not available in English)
The City of Zurich has introduced its own communal solidarity contribution of CHF 25,000, which is paid out in addition to the federal solidarity contribution. Applications can be submitted by people who suffered injustice at the hands of the City of Zurich authorities in connection with compulsory social measures or placement prior to 1981. It has been possible to submit an application to the responsible authority of the City of Zurich since 1 September 2023. Contact and further information:
Kommunaler Solidaritätsbeitrag der Stadt Zürich
(This document is not available in English)
If a victim of compulsory social measures and placement also suffered sexual assault within the Catholic Church, they may also submit an application for compensation to the commission for compensation for victims of sexual assault within the church ("Kommission Genugtuung für Opfer von verjährten sexuellen Übergriffen im kirchlichen Umfeld"). This commission was set up by the Swiss Bishops’ Conference and the Association of Major Religious Superiors of Switzerland and can award satisfaction payments of up to a maximum of CHF 20 000 in individual cases from a fund set up specifically for this purpose. Such compensation payments by the Catholic Church are not offset against the solidarity contribution; the same applies vice versa. Further information can be found on the Swiss Bishops’ Conference website and under contact addresses (church contact points and other support centres).
(These documents are not available in English)
Legal basis
Federal Act on Compulsory Social Measures and Placements prior to 1981
(CSMPA, SR 211.223.13)
(These documents are not available in English)
- Zahlen und Fakten zu Gesuchen für den Solidaritätsbeitrag (PDF, 194 kB, 24.01.2024)
- Données statistiques concernant les demandes de contributions de solidarité (PDF, 262 kB, 24.01.2024)
- Dati statistici relativi alle domande per la concessione del contributo di solidarietà (PDF, 256 kB, 24.01.2024)
- Cocosol Tätigkeitsbericht 2021 - 2022 (PDF, 724 kB, 29.03.2023)
- Cocosol Rapport d’activités 2021-2022 (PDF, 199 kB, 29.03.2023)
Last modification 24.12.2024
Federal Office of Justice
Bundesrain 20
+41 58 462 42 84