Interdepartmental Cooperation

Switzerland pursues a diverse range of foreign policy activities in migration. Numerous federal agencies are involved, including the Federal Department of Justice and Police (FDJP), the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDHA), and the Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research (EAER). In February 2011, the Federal Council set up the Interdepartmental Structure for International Cooperation on Migration (ICM Structure) to coordinate the government’s various migration-related activities and ensure coherence in migration foreign policy.

The ICM Structure has three levels:

  • the Plenum at the level of directors/state secretaries,
  • the Committee headed by the Deputy Director of SEM and the FDHA Ambassador for Development, Forced Displacement and Migration,
  • and task forces for specific regions, countries and topics.

As the strategic coordination body for the ICM Structure, the Plenum defines Switzerland’s foreign policy priorities in migration. The Committee advises on operational aspects of interdepartmental cooperation on migration and the various instruments of migration foreign policy. Implementation of the projects and measures adopted is subsequently coordinated by the individual task forces.


(These documents are not available in English. For the complete documentation please see the German, French or Italian version).

Last modification 22.04.2021

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